Thursday, September 15, 2011

What to check for if my temp gage reads very hot all the time even with the car cold?

I replaced the thermostat because my cars temp kept going up and down drastically. So i changed the thermostat and now my car reads very hot all the time. What should i check? bad theremostat? bad sensor? PLEASE HELP! THANK YOU
What to check for if my temp gage reads very hot all the time even with the car cold?
jack, try this, unplug the sensor, my bet is it will still read hot. that would be a wire with chaffed insulation, good luck finding it.
What to check for if my temp gage reads very hot all the time even with the car cold?
there is a therm temp sencor in the side of ur eng.

I would start there also is ur fan opperating as it should u may just need a new fan clutch if ur car has one to test that have some on turn the car off if the fan spins wile eng is off than the fan cluch is bad
Air-Lock: Disconnect the top Radiator Hose and start the car;When Coolant starts flowing,turn Key off and after a 45 min cooling -Reconnect Hose and fill reservoir.
Bad sensor.
its a bad sensor.