How can you tell if your car is frozen?
is the thermostat installed backwards? make sure the cooling fan(s) is working properly, if the fans work and the thermostat is in correctly then the water pump needs to be replaced.
How can you tell if your car is frozen?
this can happen if you dont have your radiator fans running. are you sure the thermostat was working after being replaced? check the coolant (antifreeze) in your radiator.
Cooled down. you simply pull the radiator cap off and take a peek in the radiator. If it's frozen or slushed all up, hopefully it hasn't caused any further damage. In any case, you will need to drain the system and add a 50/50 mixture of coolant.
best to get it in a garage or shed to thaw it out then you need to fill the cooling system with water at this stage and then you need the cooling system pressure tested to check nothing is split cracked or core plug s poped out you may need the help of a mobile fitter with a pressure tester if ok run it up to normal temp making shure all the air is expelled from the system check heater is blowing hot and temp gauge is normal if all is ok drop water out and top with the correct amount of anti freeze good luck reg Tony