Friday, September 23, 2011

What are some of the effects of running the car -without- the Thermostat?

Im Googling this as well.. but i wanted Human input too.

Update: Sealers are in the car, im about to check on the new head now (I may get one machined fromEBay.) IM THE MEANTIEM, i need to get to Work, and this car is what i got.

The Thermostat is dead.. i didnt see any change when i boiled it. Glad new ones are cheap. Im wondering what will happen if i run the car WITHOUT one.. that means coolant is ALWAYS circulating through the WHOLE Engine, but it may take like an %26quot;Hour%26quot; to warm up?

Also.. i need to add Antifreeze soon. I had 100% water in again for the Sealers.. ive heard they work -best- when %26quot;Left in,%26quot; and also that it gums up when Antifreeze is introduced. Is this true?

Again..; tghansk for the input.. car is getting better.. and i respect all pinions.


1991 Olds 2.5L
What are some of the effects of running the car -without- the Thermostat?
without the thermostat ? bad gas mileage and no heat in the car for winter. a motor has to be so hot to burn the gas off the valves and when you remove it, it cools the valves too much then your burning raw gas.
What are some of the effects of running the car -without- the Thermostat?
you got it right it jus takes longer for the engine to warm up might make the heater longer to make warm air. i run my 97 nissan without one because if it rust shut or malfunctions then i could be stuck on the side of the highway with an over heating truck of worse blown motor warped head etc

nope your mistaken: the thermostat opens when the engine gets to operating temp. there are different temp thermostats depending on when you want it to open to allow the coolant to flow through the engine if there is no thermostat then the coolant flows through the engine wether its cold or hot
you are mistaken

The thermostat opens when it engine gets hot, that's what circulates the coolant through the radiator and cools the engine. No thermostat = no cooling = BAD. The coolant will not circulate it the thermostat valve is closed.

How do you intend to run without a thermostat anyways? It's an integral part of the cooling system - you have to connect though it to get the coolant to circulate. To my knowledge there isn't even a way to bypass this.

Also, sealers are meant to be a temporary fix...what are you fixing...radiator?? Best to replace it - you'll need to eventually anyways.

Same thing with the 100% water - the effect of coolant is to keep it from freezing but also to raise the boiling point to allow it to absorb more heat from the engine. 100% water will cause the engine to overheat faster. You need a 50/50 mix.
Engines run better when hot, so leaving the thermostat out will constantly circulate the coolant which in turn will take longer to warm up. Other than this there should be no problem unless the vehicle depends on the thermostat to seal the joint. Not recommended long term but perfectly safe short term.
with out the thermostat in place your car will perform poorly and not heat up Corly and your Obed will act up and the treadle advancement on timing will also be affected along with the cold and warm injection SYSTEM installed in your car so i might sagest that you replace the thermostat be for you replace the head ADO save your SLF about 500 dollars and make it to and from work more Faisal and after you have the thermostat installed coracle and in the right way may i also sagest that you mix your coolant at a 50 50 blend for this will give you the freeze protection you need and the bolling point will also in cress so you should be good to go if you ha vent a broken head or gasket but im not sure what your first com plant was hope this has been help full and good luck with your problem
you are going to buy a 200-400$ replacement head and you don't think you need a 10$ thermostat who are you mr crabbs son?!? running a thermostat maintains a normal running temperature, no thermostat? what is going to stop your car from boiling over, get out of my way i got to get some air running through my radiator before i overheat, you think thermostats where made to take out since your friend says youdon'tt need that!?! don't run a thermostat and when you warp your brand new head you think they are going to warranty it w/ no thermostat?!? spend the ten bucks get a thermostat and run coolant in your radiator it worth the headaches and cost w/out it!!!
First of all take out the fresh water. It will do more harm to your engine if left in.

Also It will not take an hour for your engine to warm up without a thermostat, but will take longer than normal.

Why have you got sealers in your system, is this because you also have leaks. It sounds a bit mixed up. Why do you need a skimmed head.? You need to add more detail

Buy your new thermostat straight away and fit it.. Drain off the system completely and refill with the correct mix of antifreeze. Let it tick over for five minutes and then check the level again and top up if necessary.

If you do have leaks then fix them first, or if your head gasket has blown or warped the head then these have to be fixed. Work or no work, you will have to make other arrangements.

A little more detail will help us give you a better answer.