Thursday, September 15, 2011

My car is smoking under the hood, but thermostat is fine?

Ok, I have a 97 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP. I took it to the mechanic last week because it needed an oil change really badly. Once it was there, the mechanic called me and said that I had a big hole in my gas line. Long story short, we replaced it and I just got my car back on Friday. Saturday I took it to the car wash and it was smoking from under the hood. I figured it was oil burning off or something. I drove it a few more times very locally and it continued to smoke. This morning, I took my daughter to school 1/8 of a mile from my house and by the time I got there, it was smoking really badly. The thermostat is registering normally...what's going on? I can't afford to take it back and even if I could, the mechanic I took it to is 20 miles from my house and I'm not comfortable driving it that far. Any ideas would be SO greatly appreciated!
My car is smoking under the hood, but thermostat is fine?
I had a problem simular when they changed the oil in my older Pontiac and they used a different brand than the Valvoline I always use in that car. Smoked and used oil like a beast until I changed it again.
My car is smoking under the hood, but thermostat is fine?
Just a guess without seeing it, buy I would guess the mechanic didn't tighten the oil filter enough.

You're right, it's not a good idea to drive it.

Call the mechanic that worked on it and ask him if he could come out and look at it because you're afraid it's going to catch on fire.

After you park the car, does oil drip on the ground??

Does it smell like gas or oil?
Oil may take more than a few days to burn off depending on where the oil was spilled. If you coolant temp is reading normal and your oil level is in the normal range on the dipstick, then continue to drive it like normal and don't sweat it, the oil will burn off eventually. Ive seen vehicles driven for up to two weeks before the smoke and smell went away. If it continues after that, take it in. Also, check your oil level regularly and make sure you aren't leaking any. Good Luck.
if it is steam check ur radiator cap...and if it is the cap then add more fluid to the radiator bc its all evaporated by now and ur car will overhaet...
If the smoke has a sweet smell it is a cooling system problem. Leak in a hose or the radiator.
If it were the thermostat it would be steam, not smoke. If it's smoking you've obviously got an oil leak somewhere. Probably a bad valve cover gasket.

Look under the hood. Make sure all the caps are there and tight. Make sure the dipstick in pushed all the way in. Look for signs of oil dripping. Check the oil and make sure it's registering full.

Call the mechanic who did the oil change.
Perhaps they spilled oil on the engine and when the engine gets hot it is burning off the spilled oil. If it is that then it will stop soon.