I let my sister borrow my car and the car started to overheat. So We changed the thermostat and now my heat isnt working. It is blowing air but its not getting hot and minnesota is a cold place. Its a 94 accord
My heat in my car doesnt work!!?
check your fan motor then water pump if negative check oil 4 water if yes you have cracked head or block
My heat in my car doesnt work!!?
Sucks to be you
transfer to manila... and you wont be needing that device :))
I'm not saying you did, but are you sure you didn't put the thermostat in up side down,it's easy to make that mistake.
If that is OK make sure you got all the air out,start your engine and Waite for it to get hot enough to open the thermostat you will see the antifreeze go down then fill it up before you put the cap back on.
you could be low in coolant due to a leak, or the radiator may have some cold spots, which means blockage, or the thermostat could be stuck closed, due to coolant temp sensor or sending unit faulty, or the heater core could be stopped up. first check to see that coolant is full, then crank car and look at temp guage and when it gets to 200-225, see if the cooling fan is coming on.. also feel the hose coming off the engine going to the bottom part of the radiator is hot, also check the hose going into the firewall to heater core--inlet hose should be hot and outlet hose a little cooler, have someone check radiator with infrared thermometer for cold spot.. If the coolant is not flowing, then you will not have adequate heat..
Check to see if the thermostat is in upside down, also check your coolant level, it must be to the top of the radiator.
there my be a air bubble in the heater box.
First: did you replace the right recomended thermonstat for your specific region, also did you install it correctly with a coil pointed toward the engine not to the radiator? since you lived in Minnesota, a hotter thermonstat is recommended ( not 220F or 275 degF, because this is when it starts to open, you want a lower temp~ 180 degF-195 degF ). Second, since it was overheated, did you checked for enough coolant has been added ( leave your engine running with radiator cap open, at a certain temperature, thermonstat will open and drawn in water then shut off your engine and add more water ). Third, 40 % antifreeze with 60% water ( it boils at 100 degF). Last, check your temperature connecting cable, it could came off; broke or froze up? Last of all, if all the above suggestions have been inspected and all good, last thing you want to replace is your heater evaporator, it could gone bad since you uses it extensively in cold region.