Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hey guys my car is overheating and i have an CEL. It has coolant/water, changed thermostat, heater not working?

I have no white smoke out of pipes and it does not smell like coolant. The heater doesn't work and the ac works cold until the car starts to overheat then its just normal not really cold air like usual. I think it might be water pump?? the CEL code is p1285 which is something about a cylinder getting too hot.the car is a Mustang V6 02. Thanx in advance

Thanks in advance any advice would be greatly aprec
Hey guys my car is overheating and i have an CEL. It has coolant/water, changed thermostat, heater not working?
Don't drive your car. Get it fixed right away or you will toast your engine.

You have changed your thermostat, so I assume you have checked that both your radiator and reservoir are full of the correct antifreeze. Mixing different types and or colors of anti-freeze causes massive cooling system failures.

I have seen many cars with clogged radiators and heater cores because someone added a little bit of the wrong antifreeze to the vehicle. If the coolant reservoir is all nasty looking, then u know it has had the wrong stuff add to it. Flush the system with large amounts of radiator flush or bilge cleaner if you suspect this.

If your engine is equipped with electric fans, then check to make sure they kick on.

If they work and you know you have a good thermostat, then the last thing left that could have failed is the water pump.

Water pumps go bad. I trust my gut, and I replace it if I think its bad. If you think your water pump is bad then maybe you should trust your gut too.

Unplug the battery while you work to reset the check engine light,