Thursday, September 15, 2011

I changed the thermostat and now the car over heats and it did not before, it just would not heat now it gets?

either you didn't get the thermostat in right or you have an air pocket in the engine and it's not letting the coolant circulate properly.
I changed the thermostat and now the car over heats and it did not before, it just would not heat now it gets?
new thermostat may not be good or you mounted backwards.
I changed the thermostat and now the car over heats and it did not before, it just would not heat now it gets?
Well it would be nice to know what kind of car or truck you are talking about but i will say this if you put the thermostat in correctly, it does have an up and down to it then you have an air pocket that has to burped out of the system, sometime depening on the make there is a small bleeder yu can opne if not sometime jacking up the front of the car and letting idle with the cap off will burp the air this takes time be patcient make sure if it has an electric fan on it that the fan fan cycles on and off a few times before driving car
you didnt flush out ur cooling sytem and also check to make sure ur heater vents are not plugged
you either installed the t-stat upside down/backwards, its not the right t-stat for your engine so it doesnt open up soon enough or its a faulty t-stat.
did you put in up side down that happens a lot
Thermostats are made to open at certain temperatures like 190 f so if you have one that is set higher and it is working then you have the wrong thermostat. the other thing does you car have an air dam? is your water pump leaking? and is your radiator in need of replacing??
maybe you mounted with the spring facing up.

you may need to bleed the cooling system to get rid of the air pockets.

Or by some chance you have a defective thermostat.

hard to imagine your water pump had just bit the dust at the same time.

But hey anything is possible I guess.
it sounds like you put the thermostat in backwards. the spring goes into the block.