ok so i have a 2000 chevrolet s10. when i got the car white smoke was coming out of the exhaust. the first time i tore it down i changed the headgasket not the head and it was still blowing white smoke. the secound time i tore it down i changed the headgasket and got the head milled. the machine shop said it was warped so they fixed it and i put it back on. it is still blowing white smoke out of the exhaust. before i rebuilt it again it would bog down and almost die when i gave it gas. but this time i rebuilt it runs better and dosent bog down. also there is still white smoke but not near as much and sometimes there is none at all... i have a really bad coolant leak coming from my thermostat housing. i havent drove it just let it idle cause i dont want to let it get too hot. sometimes it smokes bad, sometimes it smokes a little, and sometimes it dosent smoke at all. what could the problem be here?
Why would my car still leaking white smoke out of the exhaust after changing the head and headgasket?
your gonna wanna pinch off your water lines going to your throttle body and then see if it still puffs, might be a cracked head and shoddy machine shop work, but doubt it. ps im dealing with this on a ford v6, getting good at pulling the heads second time around, still less than 3 hrs with my son doing the work while i tjaught him to turn wrenches and i got um heck i got drunk lol.
Why would my car still leaking white smoke out of the exhaust after changing the head and headgasket?
Oil smoke is black or gray. Transmission fluid smoke is white. Assuming you have an automatic tranny, there is a modulator valve on the outside of the tranny that, if it goes bad leaks tranny fluid into the intake manifold where it goes through the engine and burns as a white smoke. If this is the cause it is a quck, easy and cheap fix. Check your tranny fluid level to see if you have been losing any. If so, Bingo !
Did you have the head checked for cracks? If it was warped I would have checked for a crack? Even a crack in a cylinder sleeve. Take the spark plugs out and check to see if the color on the ends are all the same. if one is different that would be the cylinder to check into.
A couple more possibilities are, badly worn VALVE STEM GUIDES, and one or more broken or excessively worn OIL RINGS on the pistons.
Piston rings changed? If not then u should. If u did change them and had the shaft bored a little bigger u should go for bigger piston rings. LOL
IT might have something to do with the radiator
they might not have fixed it completely