1991 toyota pickup truck . temperature gage when driving goes in the red zone. changed thermostat, still goes red zone. if car overheating, does it not always stay in the red zone. sometimes, it goes all the way down showing not overheating and then goes all the way up, which does not make sense to me. there is a squealing sound in the front of the car like the belt. checked belts, and appears to be fine. what else could be wrong. if clutch is out, would it overheat. or if a fan is out, would it overheat. where do i look for that. thanks
Car temperature in the red zone?
Sounds like it could be your fan, or could be uptake hose on radiator is clogged. You could also have a leak, check the ground after parked and smell engine for a sweet smell. ONLY WHEN CAR IS COOL, check radiator fluid level. You can add antifreeze or water if necessary.
Do not drive car when overheating as it is very bad for engine, and never open hood of steaming car, or check fluid when engine is hot. You could be badly burned.
I suggest you find a reliable mechanic. If over heating try turning heat on in car to let hot air out of engine.
Car temperature in the red zone?
Bad fan clutch while sitting still.
Bad water pump and or clogged radiator will driving and sitting still.
Defective thermostat while driving or sitting still.
Air pocket in cooling system while driving or sitting still.