There is no leaking hoses, we changed the thermostat and my car continues to over heat. I hope it is not the head gasket!!! BUT my overflow tank has a leak when I turn the engine off. Could that be the cause of it overheating?
Does my cars overflow tank leak cause it to overheat?
There's a simple test a repair shop performs to %26quot;sniff%26quot; the gases evaporating at your overflow tank to see if there's any exhaust gases from the engine. If so, that would indicate a bad head gasket.
Does my cars overflow tank leak cause it to overheat?
It could be that or something simple like your cap to your water pump, or it could be your water pump, or your radiator, or a hose... just look...s tart with the cheap things first... my car used to over heat alot... and i changed everything.. and it still would over heat... and when I changed the cap it stopped over heating
You answered the question yourself,you have a combustion leak which pressurises the coolant so when you switch off it forces the coolant out of the header tank you need the head gasket replaced
Your overflow tank is properly called an %26quot;expansion tank%26quot; because the radiator fluid expands into the tank when the engine is at running temperature. A leak in the expansion tank will mean that proper fluid levels in the radiator are not being maintained. As the engine cools, the fluid is drawn back into the radiator. (Check for a dried out return hose.)
Are the radiator fins in good shape? Clogged fins will reduce the radiators ability to cool the fluid. If it's an older car, and you haven't flushed the cooling system in 4 years or more, that's a likely cause. Also, buy a new radiator cap.
Yeah that is the problem make sure you check the radiator cap to cause that can be a problem to but check this website out this might help...鈥?/a>
if it has a hole in the overflow tank then your losing all your anti-freeze. fix the hole and fill the radiator full and fill the reserve tank between the add and full mark. you might want to get the cap checked too.