i changed the heater-core and the new thermostat, car will not blow warm or hot air in the car vents. why
? on car 94 dodge intreped car heater problem?
Maybe the mechanism (not sure what its called) that swings the door is messed up. What I mean by door, is a door that blocks the cold air vent. If the car is running and you turn the fan to off, you can hear this little electrical motor, barely that is closing the door. The reason I said this because for a while I was barely getting hot air. Lasted for a week. Then on a whim, I turn the knob (blue/red bars) all the way to cold, waited for 10 secs and turned it back to full hot. It worked instantly when I did that. About once a month it does that. When its on full hot, its more cold than hot. All I do is turn the knob to full cold air, wait 10 secs, and voila, works everytime. You might not be quite that lucky but worth a try. I have a 99 intrepid, so it might be a little different. Only other thing I can think of is that theres a block in the hose to the heater core.
? on car 94 dodge intreped car heater problem?
yeah it sounds like vent door motor/actuator is no good