It had been overheating for a while. I Would use the heater and cold air would come out. Then I changed the thermostat and the car ran fine for about 4 days. The car with the new thermostat would start very rumbly and shaky but that would go away in 30 seconds and the heater started To work again. So after the 4 days of supposedly being fixed, it starts to overheat after about 15 minutes of driving but with the heater full blast of fluctuates but does not go beyond the red temperature bars . Btw I added water in the radiator b4 I got re thermostat fixed and after the
Mechanic fixed the thermostat he said he filled the radiator with coolant. Maybe the water plus re coolant don't work? Please help me! If u help me good enough I'll pay 5 dollars via paypal. Ty ty
My 93 Honda prelude car keeps overheating?
If you've changed the thermostat recently, and also know that there's plenty of coolant in the probably need a new water pump.
Good luck!
My 93 Honda prelude car keeps overheating?
Need more information, when the car is parked, do you see any coolant leaks? Did you had your coolant flushed? If you are driving and the car is still overheating, I believe it may be your coolant is not enough. Check your coolant fill. Car shaky before warm up can be other problems since its a 93. You may need this car tuned.
Have you tried filling the back seat with ice? this helps by cooling down the interior of the car. don't worry about the melting as it also keeps the car from overheating.
Maybe the big electrical fan under the hood.
93 that's almost a artifact i think you should save up for a new car instead spending loot and time to fix it up
i dnt need your money first of all
you should check the fan's relay
and the fan
i faced same problem with my ford
Its an old piece of junk. Get a new car