the car is a 1987 mercedes 2.3 (190 E ) just was wondering if is something i can do myself.
Has anybody changed a thermostat housing?
If you mean the upper portion that connects to the hose, it is an easy job, there are 3 10MM bolts that hold it down.
If your housing is plastic, your MB dealer can get you an aluminum one. If it is the lower portion, then you need to replace the water pump, which is not a job for a novice.
Has anybody changed a thermostat housing?
yes just follow the top radiator hose to the motor at the end of the hose you will find the housing it is only two bolts in it some have three bolts take it off replace be sure to use a thin bead of gasket sealer when putting it on
This depends on your mechanic abilities. My question for you is why must you change the housing? Is it cracked?
Yup, its fairly easy to do, just do not wrench down too tight when tightening, as they break very easily. I know this from experience.
I've changed them on a 5.0 Ford engine a few times and on the 305 Chevy engine, that year Mercedes shouldn't be that hard. You may have to unplug certain things to access it though. Manuals are available at auto stores.
It may just be two bolts. Usually, the top large hose from the radiator is hooked to it.
yes its a job you can do your self,,i own a repair shop,,and its a fairly easy job to do,,first off be sure and drain all your anti freeze out,,you can re-use it later,to remove the housing just remove the bolts holding it on,,clean the surface real good where they mate together,,and re-install it,,be sure and tighten,,all the bolts equally,,and put the hose back on,,then refill,,and start it and let it circulate real good,,make sure you have no leaks from it,,other than that,,your pretty much done,good luck with it,,i hope this help,s.