I have changed the heater core, thermostat , and the coolant level is normal, what could the problem be? Oh and there is no heater control valve on this model. Any info would be helpful.
Why dont the heat in my car work?
Before starting the car check your radiator fluid. Remove the radiator cap only when the engine is cold and see if the radiator is full, if not, fill it up. Does the overflow jug have fluid in it? Make sure it's at the cold fill line. See if there is green fluid on the ground. If the radiator and overflow jug are empty you may have a leak. If all of this is full then you go to the next step. Check with your parts store to see what temperature thermostat belongs in your car. Start the car and bring it up to running temperature. Take a meat thermometer and check the water in the reservoir, it should be between 190 degrees Fahrenheit and 210 degrees Fahrenheit or the temperature you were told by the parts store. If it does not get up to running temperature, change the thermostat. If you have the proper temperature check the hoses going through the firewall to the heater. Are they hot? If not hot, a valve that works with the engine vacuum may be stuck,Or you may not have vacuum going to it. Sometimes it is a cable that works the valve.
Why dont the heat in my car work?
With the vehicle at operating temperatures and the heater on, feel the two heater hoses. Are they both hot? If not, hot water is not circulating through the heater core. Find and remove the blockage and the heater will work.
No heater control valve..... so you cant adjust from cold to hot on the control inside your car? I have never seen that before.....
Perhaps the heat exchange?
Heres's a tip; buy a new Merecedes-Benz SLR McLaren; they only cost about 2 bucks and sell that piece of crap Kia that you are driving.
In my Ford F150, the problem actually was the switch on the dash board.
It controls both heat and A/C, and neither was working although the other components were all in order.
Your mechanic can do an electronic check for this switch and tell you it that's the problem.
This happened to my niece.There is a little door in your dashboard behind the heating/cooling buttons and radio.If the door is broken or missing,the heat won't work.She went on the internet.She paid alot for a new part,while this guy on the internet car website paid eleven dollars.
Probably in the a/c %26amp;heater controller but can only guess due to missing info...
This model uses a cable acuated door to let hot air in. It is all controlled by the heater control assembly. if you will go to the site below you can get a full picture and how to replace the components mentioned.