Do you think the hot antifreeze caused something to go wrong? This car is pissing me off!|||My husband had this problem. Turns out he installed the thermostat wrong. Double check that. Also, you don%26#039;t indicate if the car will turn over but not catch, doesn%26#039;t turn over, what - that is very important. Did you disconnect something you didn%26#039;t reconnect?
|||Make sure you reinstalled the ground wire that connects to the thermostat.|||Changing your thermostat shouldn%26#039;t affect your car from starting, especially if your car started before your thermostat replacement had been performed. The only thing hot antifreeze could do is blow a crack through your radiator while the high heat on your engine could damage your sparkplugs and ruin gaskets that could cause leaks around your water pump.
Work your way through the general process of troubleshooting when your car doesn%26#039;t start.
Make sure your battery is fully charged; does it need a jumpstart?
If your car sounds like it is just making clicking or whizzing noises when you turn your ignition key, do you need to replace your starter?
When was the last time you changed the spark plugs and spark plug cables?
There are a lot of other things you can double check but try those first few before getting a little deeper into troubleshooting.
Good luck!